runningwild/ (more...)


16, 02/02/94, WestWood Secondary School
I'm an ordinary girl serving and extraordinary God in Hope church!
I love Dora and Boots, I love Vera Tan :)


( Affiliates )
Cristine:) Jency Regina Seeyin Shien Seemin

Tuesday, August 24, 2010, 10:31 PM

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I don't think everything is true though. Saw this on somewhere and decided to post it up anyway! :) So many people are chionging for chemistry. I think, i wanna go for wordpress soon. Soon, might not be so soon.

The best gift that anyone can gives me right now is definitely a minute of a prayer. It just feel so awful when you know that time is running out and yet you got so many things unsettled, undone and yet to understand... When people around you are having so much time to study, so much time to revise and there you are squeezing time to read a short summary of each chpt before test (i'm never a night person! i wished i am!) you just count and count the days left, and you realised, it's shorter than you'd expected!! Arghhhhh!!!

On a happier note, 2 of the very important people, regina and jency's birthday is coming up! Can't wait for all the reunion of zai cls, my old cg! Gosh! I really do love my church people :) And we're going to celebrate siyu's birthday soon. Am going to take these time to release my stress before i run another lap!

God will make a way,
when there seems to be no where :)
I'm gna trust You till the end, take all i have and make it Yours :)